This agreement is the agreement between Ecomsiam.com
and you and the agreement by you receive to know , get read the all agreement
and admit the condition has according to this condition already.This agreement uses to enforce according to law Thailand , and you
acknowledge and conclude , Ecomsiam.com can cancel, adjust or modify the regulation and the condition of this agreement
has all the time to follow agree.
30-day Money-Back Guarantee for web hosting service
we guarantee the contentment and pay back give you , if you are not satisfied with the service that you is taking within 30 days for your openning an account. ecomsiam.com will pay back in the part of Web Hosting , that still no be usable , you can decide using ecomsiam web hosting by without worrying.
The agreement about using ecomsiam web hosting
- Using our domain name registration service or Web hosting is " pay before use" . You must pay the service charge before the usability.
- a customer everyone have the period of time in something , pay for late , since , date expire can pay 7 not exceed day , if , exceed from that time we have to stop the alms serves , (Suspend host) , which , will valuable fine in the beginning , activate host , be 200 amount of baht moneys , if , exceed 15 from day , we have to stop the alms serves , host , and dismiss from , server" which , be valuable the custom , in website lead and the electronic mail reach to are usable build [ wasp ] , be 500 amount of baht moneys
- the user will don't lead , SERVER , go to use mass media for what , be illegal , mass media that about about [ story ] filthy , The obscene , be against morality , the data is or , a program that violate copyright to build [ wasp ] others , or , the business about the copyright of others , or , in the sense of that spoil one's reputation old others , or , nation , religion , great king , or , do at cause the damage builds [ wasp ] stagger a litter or , the user lays other.
- person beg for use serve don't use , Server , go to in sending post nonsensical electronics , (Spam) , or , , electronics post that have no a petitioner begs for from stagger a litter
the facilitator will don't beg for to is responsible legislative anyhow , if , the user does anything , at get inform in the detail above
the regulation and the condition in sharing list ...Promotion
Free Domain (.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz)
for 1 year
- condition , Promotion use get for the buys , hosting package for 12 month such as Lite, starter, silver, gold, patinum, enterprise
- Customer can use this promotion for register domain name by ecomsiam.com and you will must use the promotion free domain , within 30 days , that is to say , you must registration or transfer the domain with in 30 days)
- in cause that you domain name has registered with the other registrar already, Customer must transfer the domain name to ecomsiam.com only.
- Ecomsiam will beg for to reserve the right to except , promotion , this the cause , round that use , promotion free domain , incase the customer domain name can not be transfer successfully.
- This Promotion can not be transfer or give with other person , or become the cash
- This Promotion is using for the web hosting service for12 month if , there is usability cancellation , during the time , money back guarantee 30 day of using web hosting, ecomsiam.com will return the money for the web hosting period that still not use , according to the condition , money back guarantee , the back breaks the value , Domain name , be 490 amount of baht moneys
The agreement about Domain name
- The domain name's owner is Registrant domain name and Admin Contact , The owner can manage domain and modify domain name which , you must correct the data for the electronic mail of Admin Contact because connection and insist all justice will use at electronic this mail(Admin Contact email)
- when the domain name has been registered sucessfully , It might not become change to the other domain name , for register the new domain name ,customer must pay for the new register .
- The domain name should be pay in advance before registration.
- Domain name that registerated by ecomsiam.com (Registration completed) , can not cancel or pay money back to you (No refundable)
- You must take care the user login and password for modify domain name if there is the damage from the editing aforementioned , Ecomsiam.com will not responsible for damage that occurs.
- You must are hurried to renew the domain name before the expiration date.If the domain name was registered by the service provider domain. Ecomsiam.com might not responsible in following to get the domain back
- Ecomsiam.com is reseller of TUCOW Inc. (OpenSRS) , The agreement for domain name registration is in round writing of TUCOW Inc and ICANN.
- Please read the agreement in using services. OpenSRS Agreement & The ICANN Dispute Policy &
Agreement & The
ICANN Dispute Policy
- Registration for Domain Name .BIZ , please read using agreement serves at .BIZ Agreement
& .BIZ
- Registration for Domain Name .INFO , please read using agreement serves at